The Metabarons: Second Cycle, de Jodorowsky e Frissen (capa dura)

The Metabarons: Second Cycle, de Jodorowsky e Frissen (capa dura)

41,98 €
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(W) Jerry Frissen, Alejandro Jodorowsky (A) Valentin Secher, Niko Henrichon
Alejandro Jodorowsky and Juan Gimenez's epic space opera about the galaxy's fiercest warrior continues in this all-new cycle!
No-Name, the very last of the Metabarons, must save the galaxy from a new Techno regime that has risen to power by seizing control of a precious fuel known as Epyphite. But in order to face them, No Name must first face himself. Formidable new enemies and obstacles-from cyborgs, to transhumans, to love itself-will emerge, and the truth will unfold about the Metabarons' role in the survival of the universe.

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