Miracleman The Original Epic TP
  • Miracleman The Original Epic TP

Miracleman The Original Epic TP

Middle-aged reporter Michael Moran always knew he was meant for something more. When an unexpected series of events leads him to reclaim his destiny, Miracleman is reborn. But Miracleman's return threatens to unravel Moran's life. Their connections to Dr. Emil Gargunza and Project Zarathustra bring with them disturbing revelations and trigger the return of a childhood friend who, beneath his sinister smile, has become something terrifying. Pushing the concept of the super hero to its logical conclusion, MIRACLEMAN is nothing short of a revelation. 

51,88 €
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These adventures from THE FLASH #133-163 feature the Scarlet Speedster's battles with some of his best-known foes: Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Pied Piper, Reverse-Flash, Heat Wave, Trickster, Weather Wizard and more. This collection also guest-stars Kid Flash, the Golden Age Flash, the Elongated Man and Green Lantern.

784 page Hardcover

2 Itens
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