Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Vol.03 - Divided We Fall
  • Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Vol.03 - Divided We Fall

Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men Vol.03 - Divided We Fall

These early adventures come from the time when Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel and Iceman were a quirky quintet of teenagers together against the world. 

18,50 €
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The Xavier School has a new headmaster: Roy Thomas! Stan Lee's right-hand man, Roy took mutantkind on wild new adventures as he cut his teeth as a scripter of superhero sagas. These early adventures come from the time when Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel and Iceman were a quirky quintet of teenagers together against the world. Across ten issues you'll see them confront a host of villains - from Count Nefaria and his henchmen, to the Locust and the Aztec-inspired Kukulcan! You'll also witness the first appearance of mainstay X-Man Banshee and read the rare stories when a sixth mutant member, the Mimic, joined Professor X's squad! Collecting X-MEN (1963) #20-29


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