Daredevil Born Again, de Miller e Mazzucchelli Gallery Edition HC
  • Daredevil Born Again, de Miller e Mazzucchelli Gallery Edition HC

Daredevil Born Again, de Miller e Mazzucchelli Gallery Edition HC

Daredevil Born Again, de Miller e Mazzucchelli Gallery Edition HC

51,88 €

  • Política de segurança: dados do cliente encriptados e protegidos ao abrigo do RGPD Política de segurança: dados do cliente encriptados e protegidos ao abrigo do RGPD
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"And I - I have shown him…that a man without hope is a man without fear." From the powerhouse pairing of Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli comes the definitive DAREDEVIL tale! Karen Page, Matt Murdock's former lover, has traded away his secret identity for a drug fix. Now, Daredevil must find all the strength he can muster as Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, wastes no time taking him down as low as a human can get! As he is nursed back to health by a nun named Sister Maggie, Matt discovers a shocking secret that will change their relationship forever! But can he piece his life back together and survive a battle against the brutal super-soldier named Nuke? Guest-starring Captain America, this classic masterpiece looks better than ever on the oversized pages of a Gallery Edition! Collecting DAREDEVIL (1964) #226-233.

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